
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky

Cappings for headphones and hairspray

Capping for Headphones .

Preorder #1 : 


Preorder #2: 


Cappings for HairSpray .

Preorder #1 : ( need 2 more peeps )


Heyy peoples , please do order more . As this 
blogshop will be pause for a moment . If you want you can make your order , but it will be quite long for us to get to you as we are currently having exams soon . As its a streaming year for us : D You can contact me thru my phone by sending me a e-mail . and i will give you my contact number : D

3:35 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Heyy there shoppers , i have new items in the accessories & digital item . Do take a look . Its something like a hairspray also mascara , as when you open it , it looks like mascara due to the brush . But its ment to be on your hair : D Also HELLOKITTY earpiece !!

AhLynn : D

8:53 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Heyy there peeps . Currently there is a new item . Its called the popcorn pen . Selling it @ $17 only . Cappings @ 3 . Its under the accessories&digital item . Do check it out !  : D


11:00 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Hehllo's earthlings , our cappings for Headphones Are CLOSED@ 3/3
Onto headphones will now be sold @ $22 because our opening discounts are over thats why we asked you people to faster put up your order. The cappings for headphones are @ 1/3 now for second preorder please do make an order to fill up this one!

Luvvs@ XiaoFern.

6:08 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Cappings for ONTO and Starking headphones are @ 2/3 already . Do order more ! Btw , new things are uploaded . There are Aquapix Camera , Fashionable Tops and MixStyle Headphones . For straw heart , more information will be uploaded soon . Anythinq please do contact us . Thanks .

`AhLynn & XiaoFern : D

9:15 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Pictures of the Cookies , Muffins , Straw Heart , Fashionable Clothes , Aquapix Camera will be uploaded into the blog soon . Please get your money ready for more shopping ! : D  Btw for people who order the Headphones (ONTO or Starking) might be able to get your goods soon . Capping now is currently 2/3 . Will update you guys soon .

AhLynn here (L)

10:55 PM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

Heyy earthlings , more things would be uploaded soon . Ouh , btw we will also be selling cookies and straw hearts , more d.i.y stuff would be one sale . Please do support will update soon .

AhLynn here : D

8:31 AM  //  Out of the darkness and into the sun

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